dimecres, 13 de maig del 2009


Bullying Bullying annacosta



Did you use any resources? Yes, like the other oral presentations we’ve used a Power Point presentation with pictures and videos.
Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes. We think that the presentation was entertaining, and the video whe showed at the end of the presentation was interesting as well.

Body language and eye contact

Did you look at your audience most of the time? We looked at the audience more than other times, but we were still looking at the paper, and also at the screen.
Did you read from your notes? Not all the time.
Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? I think I did some involuntary gestures, but not specifically.


Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes, we tried first to introduce the topic and then develop it.
Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear? Not much really.


Did you introduce interesting, new information to your audience? Yes, we think the information was not boring, it was an interesting topic explained in a very simple way.
Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books...? Yes we did. We looked up information in the Internet about the topic.
Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? I think there was a bit of everything: we developed the subject very superficially, because it's a very extensive topic, but we also introduced some interesting data.


Did you check your grammar?
Yes, we did.
Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? We looked up at the dictionary very technical words that we didn’t know how to say them in English .

Did you use sentence linkers? Yes, we use a lot of times “and”, “but”, “so”, “In fact”,...
Did you use fillers? We used less fillers than other times.

Pronunciation & Intonation

Did you know how to pronounce all your words? Not all the words, for example, I didn’t know how to pronounce “environment”,but almost all.
Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? No.
Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? We changed the tone of voice a lot of times, but I think it was involuntary.
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? It has been more fluent than the last time we did it.

Self evaluation

What mark did you get according to you? I think this oral presentation was better than the previous ones, it has been more fluent and more organized, and the pronunciation has also improved. But I think we still need to relate and link things. I'd put a mark of 7 or 8.


Well, in this term we've decided to talk about bullying, because we think is a social issue that exists in schools and high schools, and many times we don't realize that it exists.
Bullying is any form of psychological abuse, verbal or physical conduct among schoolchildren. The dominant type of violence is the emotional and it happens often in the classroom and school break time. Bullying is common in children between 12-13 years, and is more common in girls than in boys.
Because of the bullying, the victim generates psychological disorders. Victims live terrified with the idea of going to school. They're nervous, sad and lonely in their daily lives. In some cases, the hardness of the situation can get to suicide. Over 350 million children suffer some form of violence at school.

We can see that there are eight types of bullying:

1-Lock social
2- Harassment
3- Manipulation
4- Constraints
5- Social Exclusion
6- Intimidation
7- Assault

1. Lock social: The aggressor wants to marginalize and isolate socially the victim, so the victim feels weak, helpless and stupid.
2. Harassment: Harassment: The aggressor acts with contempt, disrespect, and without consideration of the dignity of the victims. The signals of this type of bullying are contempt, hate, the nicknames, cruelty...
3. Manipulation: It distorts the social image of the victim. All the things that the victim makes are negative.
4. Constraints: The aggressor obliges the victim to realize actions against himself. With this way the aggressor can control the victim and he can get what he wants.
5. Social exclusion: They don't want the victim to participate. Aggressors treat the victim as if he was invisible, they don’t want him to participate in their games.
6. Intimidation: The aggressor creates fear to the victim. The person feel threatened. The aggressors attack the victim in the hallways and when school finishes.
7. Assault: The aggressor hits the victim.
8. Threats: The aggressor threatened and extorted to the person and his family.

Risk factors

Profile of the aggressor:
- The aggressors not always have a mental illness or a severe personality disorder. The main problem is lack of empathy. Without empathy the aggressor can’t understand what the person suffers, is totally insensitive.
- A 70% of the aggressors blame the victim saying that he had begun the discussion, so they haven’t got remorse of what they do.
- It can also be a bad family environment: abuse, humiliation…

Profile of the victim:
- There are people that can't react
- They’re not sociable and they’re sensitive.
- They don't know how to defend themselves because they have shame, and aggressions are very harmful to them.
The school environment:
In the school where the environment is bad and the teachers don't know how to control conflicts, bullying is more frequent.
The television:
There are TV programs that show violence as a good thing, and children tend to imitate. However, experts are still debating the effects of TV.

Consequences of bullying

On the victims:
- They can suffer physical injury, fear and anxiety.
- In school performance gets worse, because they are not going to school or they have difficulties to concentrate.
- Stress causes suffering stomach pains, headaches, not eating ...

On the aggressor:
- They may have social problems; it is difficult to live with others.
- In adulthood they can have a criminal life.


- The female suicides could be reduced by 10% if the bullying disappears.
- 22% of Spanish children are exposed to suffer bullying.
- Being overweight and having a bad economic situation increases the possibility of suffer bullying.
- Bullying is a common problem in this society, destroys self-esteem and self-confidence.