diumenge, 7 de juny del 2009
FINAL EVALUATION of 1st Batxillerat
I think that the activity that shows most my level of English is writting, because I can use words that I know to express myself, and I can do it at my way, so for me it's easier. This year there have been many new activities, there hasn't been too theory, the classes have been far more entertaining than the other years.
There have been many useful activities, such as oral presentations, because it prepares you for selectivitat, for example, and improves your fluency in speaking. I also think that practising all the things related to grammar is very useful.
I also think that there has been less useful things such as listening to others oral presentations, it doesn't improve anything of your English, you just listen, and of course it's interesting, but I think it adds nothing to improve your level of English.
The thing I enjoyed most was not having to endure so much theory or grammar book, make things fun and different, like games, watching movies, listening to music .. etc. These are the kind of things I'd like to do next year.
dimecres, 3 de juny del 2009
In the first scene of the movie, we can see Victor, the main character, with his future wife, Victoria, practicing the vows. Parents of Victor and Victoria think that the wedding will be beneficial because it may take more money from each other. But it isn't, because they are all ruined.
Victor does bad the testing of the votes, because he's so clumsy and he forgets what he has to say, so the priest warns him that he has to know the votes.
Victor goes alone into the forest to practice his vows. He practices and practices until he finally knows his text. But by mistake, he puts the ring on the finger of a buried corpse, thinking it was a branch. The body comes out from under the earth, and it's a dead girl, named Emily. Emily thinks that Victor had asked her to marry him, so she takes him into the land of the dead. Victor is very desperate, because he wants to return to his world, and marry Victoria, but he doesn't know how to explain to Emily the situation, because she looks very excited. He convinces Emily to return to his world, but there Victoria doesn't believe his history, and at the same time, Emily gets offended because she realizes the truth. Victor also feels the pain of Emily, so his heart is divided.
I can say I've already seen this movie, and at the end Victor finally realizes that he's really in love with Emily, and he wants to marry her. But to marry her, he has to drink poison to a die, and be a corpse like Emily. Emily thinks it's unfair, and she doesn't want him to do it. So at the end Victor just marry Victoria. Personally I think is a very sad ending.
divendres, 29 de maig del 2009
I found out that there were some very cheap train tickets. With them you can travel at some European countries. This is InterRail.
At first I went to Berlin, and the train broke down after half an our. I lost all the night waiting there. However, I met two new friends, Josh and Sue, and now we're travelling together.
We stayedin Berlin for three days. It was so funny and interesting! In fact, I bought a little gift for you, I'm sure you'll like it ;).
Then we took the train and we wet to Amsterdam, where we're now. And yesterday, a very weird thing happened to me: I was walking down the street when I came across a woman that I had never seen before, said to me that she was my mother, and she began to cry in front of me, saying that she had finally found her daughter. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to upset that poor woman, she was desperate. But my surprise was that after a minute, maybe less, the attitude of woman changed completely, and a camera appeared from somewhere, it was at that moment when I understood that I had been victim of a television joke. After that I was laughing for a long time.
To sum up, I can say that it's being a very interesting journey!
I hope you answer me, actually, I really miss you.
Take Care!
dimecres, 27 de maig del 2009
OPINION ESSAY: We have almost learnt to respect our world, do you agree?

First of all, I think I have to say that in the last years people have realized of what is happening, and they have proposed measures to reduce it. That’s a good thing because it shows that we can stop it.
But on the other hand, I think there is a bigger problem: apathy. People are unable to cooperate in resolving all these problems, we know the solution but we don't do it. Moreover, we're too selfish and we only care about us, even though we know we're harming future generations, or creating a giant inequality in the world.
We tend to think that if our situation is good, the rest doesn't mind, and everything that we do, we do it because it benefit us, not at all the people. We should think a little for everyone and not only for ourselves.
In conclusion, I think that maybe we've learned a little more to respect our world, but we also damage it. Every step we do forward implies two steps back.
dimecres, 20 de maig del 2009
Now look at them yo-yos thats the way you do it
You play the guitar
on the mtv
That aint workin thats the way you do it
Money for nothin and chicks for free
Now that aint workin thats the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys aint dumb
Maybe get a blister on your little finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb
We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour tvs
See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy thats his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot hes a millionaire
We gotta install microwave ovesns
Custom kitchens deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour tvs
I shoulda learned to play the guitar
I shoulda learned to play them drums
Look at that mama, she got it stickin in the camera
Man we could have some fun
And hes up there, whats that? hawaiian noises?
Bangin on the bongoes like a chimpanzee
That aint workin thats the way you do it
Get your money for nothin get your chicks for free
We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour tvs, lord
Now that aint workin thats the way you do it
You play the guitar on the mtv
That aint workin thats the way you do it
Money for nothin and your chicks for free
Money for nothin and chicks for free
Mira els yo-yos, és la teva forma de ser,
Toques la guitarra
a la MTV,
Això no és treballar, és la teva forma de ser,
Diners per a res i ties gratis
Això no és treballar, és la teva forma de ser.
Deixa'm que et digui que aquests tios no són idiotes,
Potser et surt una ampolla en el dit petit,
Potser et surt una ampolla en el polze.
Hem d'instal·lar microones
Fer lliuraments de cuines,
Hem de carregar-nos les neveres,
Hem de carregar-nos aquestes televisions de color.
Mira aquell marica amb l'arracada i el maquillatge,
Sí, tio, és el seu propi cabell,
El marica aquest té el seu propi avió,
El marica aquest és un milionari.
Hem d'instal·lar microones
Fer lliuraments de cuines,
Hem de carregar-nos les neveres,
Hem de carregar-nos aquestes televisions de color.
Hauria d'haver après a tocar la guitarra,
Hauria d'haver après a tocar la bateria,
Mira aquella tia
Tio, podríem divertir-nos una estona,
i ell està allà dalt, què és això? sorolls hawaians?
Colpejant els bongos com un ximpanzè
Això no és treballar, és la teva forma de ser,
Diners per a res, aconsegueixes ties gratis
Hem d'instal·lar microones
Fer lliuraments de cuines,
Hem de carregar-nos les neveres,
Hem de carregar-nos aquestes televisions de color, senyor.
Això no és treballar, és la teva forma de ser,
toques la guitarra a la MTV,
Això no és treballar, és la teva forma de ser,
Diners per a res i ties gratis,
Diners per a res i ties gratis.
dimecres, 13 de maig del 2009
There are a lot of people who think that black cats are unlucky. There's one small sense about this superstition that might be true. The researchers at the Long Island College Hospital have done an study, and they have just discovered that the darkness of the cat correlate with the severity of the symptoms. However, they're doing more researches.Personally I doubt about the results. I don't understand why the color is related to allergy, perhaps there's a scientific reason, but it seems very unlikely. Yet I like black cats and I don't think that they bring bad luck.
Did you use any resources? Yes, like the other oral presentations we’ve used a Power Point presentation with pictures and videos.
Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes. We think that the presentation was entertaining, and the video whe showed at the end of the presentation was interesting as well.
Body language and eye contact
Did you look at your audience most of the time? We looked at the audience more than other times, but we were still looking at the paper, and also at the screen.
Did you read from your notes? Not all the time.
Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? I think I did some involuntary gestures, but not specifically.
Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes, we tried first to introduce the topic and then develop it.
Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear? Not much really.
Did you introduce interesting, new information to your audience? Yes, we think the information was not boring, it was an interesting topic explained in a very simple way.
Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books...? Yes we did. We looked up information in the Internet about the topic.
Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? I think there was a bit of everything: we developed the subject very superficially, because it's a very extensive topic, but we also introduced some interesting data.
Did you check your grammar? Yes, we did.
Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? We looked up at the dictionary very technical words that we didn’t know how to say them in English .
Did you use sentence linkers? Yes, we use a lot of times “and”, “but”, “so”, “In fact”,...
Did you use fillers? We used less fillers than other times.
Pronunciation & Intonation
Did you know how to pronounce all your words? Not all the words, for example, I didn’t know how to pronounce “environment”,but almost all.
Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? No.
Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? We changed the tone of voice a lot of times, but I think it was involuntary.
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? It has been more fluent than the last time we did it.
Self evaluation
What mark did you get according to you? I think this oral presentation was better than the previous ones, it has been more fluent and more organized, and the pronunciation has also improved. But I think we still need to relate and link things. I'd put a mark of 7 or 8.
Well, in this term we've decided to talk about bullying, because we think is a social issue that exists in schools and high schools, and many times we don't realize that it exists.
Bullying is any form of psychological abuse, verbal or physical conduct among schoolchildren. The dominant type of violence is the emotional and it happens often in the classroom and school break time. Bullying is common in children between 12-13 years, and is more common in girls than in boys.
Because of the bullying, the victim generates psychological disorders. Victims live terrified with the idea of going to school. They're nervous, sad and lonely in their daily lives. In some cases, the hardness of the situation can get to suicide. Over 350 million children suffer some form of violence at school.
We can see that there are eight types of bullying:
1-Lock social
2- Harassment
3- Manipulation
4- Constraints
5- Social Exclusion
6- Intimidation
7- Assault
1. Lock social: The aggressor wants to marginalize and isolate socially the victim, so the victim feels weak, helpless and stupid.
2. Harassment: Harassment: The aggressor acts with contempt, disrespect, and without consideration of the dignity of the victims. The signals of this type of bullying are contempt, hate, the nicknames, cruelty...
3. Manipulation: It distorts the social image of the victim. All the things that the victim makes are negative.
4. Constraints: The aggressor obliges the victim to realize actions against himself. With this way the aggressor can control the victim and he can get what he wants.
5. Social exclusion: They don't want the victim to participate. Aggressors treat the victim as if he was invisible, they don’t want him to participate in their games.
6. Intimidation: The aggressor creates fear to the victim. The person feel threatened. The aggressors attack the victim in the hallways and when school finishes.
7. Assault: The aggressor hits the victim.
8. Threats: The aggressor threatened and extorted to the person and his family.
Risk factors
Profile of the aggressor:
- The aggressors not always have a mental illness or a severe personality disorder. The main problem is lack of empathy. Without empathy the aggressor can’t understand what the person suffers, is totally insensitive.
- A 70% of the aggressors blame the victim saying that he had begun the discussion, so they haven’t got remorse of what they do.
- It can also be a bad family environment: abuse, humiliation…
Profile of the victim:
- There are people that can't react
- They’re not sociable and they’re sensitive.
- They don't know how to defend themselves because they have shame, and aggressions are very harmful to them.
The school environment:
In the school where the environment is bad and the teachers don't know how to control conflicts, bullying is more frequent.
The television:
There are TV programs that show violence as a good thing, and children tend to imitate. However, experts are still debating the effects of TV.
Consequences of bullying
On the victims:
- They can suffer physical injury, fear and anxiety.
- In school performance gets worse, because they are not going to school or they have difficulties to concentrate.
- Stress causes suffering stomach pains, headaches, not eating ...
On the aggressor:
- They may have social problems; it is difficult to live with others.
- In adulthood they can have a criminal life.
- The female suicides could be reduced by 10% if the bullying disappears.
- 22% of Spanish children are exposed to suffer bullying.
- Being overweight and having a bad economic situation increases the possibility of suffer bullying.
- Bullying is a common problem in this society, destroys self-esteem and self-confidence.
dimecres, 29 d’abril del 2009
- Well, let’s talk about it, come in.
- Ok. First of all, can you tell me why you are applying for this job?
- Basically for a very simple reason. I’m about to study at this moment, and I have to face my expenses alone, so I’ve thought about looking for a job.
- Therefore, it implies that you’re not always available.
- Well yes, but my intention was to work only weekends. I looked it up on the internet and it said that this option was possible.
- Yes, of course, but, I need to know more about you and you availability, and your experience.
- I have to say that I’ve never worked in a burger place before; I’ve worked in a supermarket and in a clothes shop during the summer holidays.
- Well, as you know, the work done in a burger place doesn’t need many skills or much specialization, but as the person responsible for the company I have to be sure that you’re responsible, mature, practical… you know. First of all, how old are you?
- I’m seventeen but I’m going to be eighteen in August
- Ok. So you’re available only the weekends, but can you work full-time or only during the mornings or afternoons?
- I ‘m ready to work all day if it’s necessary, that's no problem for me.
- Ok. Well, now I would like you to provide some personal information, so please fill out this form.
- Oh! I’m so sorry! I left my passport number behind…
- Uhmm… that’s a problem. Well, I guess you can fill in the rest. At least one contact telephone number.
- Of course.
- Ok, then we'll do the following: If I want to take you on, you'll receive a call, and then you would come back and bring your passport and a photo ID.
- Ok sir. Thank you very much for seeing me. Hope to see you again.
divendres, 10 d’abril del 2009
A fatty diet isn't only perjudicial for your body, also it's bad for your brain. Researchers of Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, in Toronto, did a new research. They fed a group of rats witch a fat rich diet, an other group with a healthy diet. After 16 weeks, the rats on the high-fat diet performed a test for mental hability worse than the healthy group. It could be because fat makes it more difficult for the brain to absorve glucose.
Delayed ---> Retardat, posposat.
Set ---> Assignar.
Lever ---> Palanca.
The Guns N' Roses original members are: William Bailey, who has a nickname, Axl Rose (is an anagram of oral sex), Izzy (Jeffrey Isabelle), Duff (Michael McKagan) and Slash (Saul Hudson). Only the drummer, Steve Adler, is happy with his real name.
The lyrics of Guns N' Roses tend to cause bad reactions in people, they tend to offend. They have great songs, many of them have been covers of other people's lyrics. The secret of Guns N' Roses is their exciting live act and a combination of heavy metal/punk cliché.
Risqué ---> Indecent.
Cover ---> Còpia, versió.
divendres, 6 de març del 2009
Description of a friend: Laura

She is a very nice girl and very good friend. She is very quiet, sometimes a little bit lazy. Is cheerful and friendly, and very sympathetic. She listens to you when you have a problem and you need to talk to someone. She is a bit hesitant and insecure. She doesn't surrender easily. She likes to watch TV and go out with friends, also likes listening to music. It's very difficult that she gets angry. It makes over 4 years that I know her, so it's not a boring person, because I've never got tired of her. She's one of my best friends, I spend time with her and I'm sure she'll never disappoint me.
Opinion of a piece of news: Where have all the bees gone?
One of the countries most affected by the death of bees is the U.S.A. It's a country that has got a lot of pollination business, so it's very damaging for this country.
The media will contact with scientists and beekeepers on the causes of these deaths.
The BBC World Service programme 'The World Today' will be broadcasting live from the heart of California's Central Valley where billions of bees are gathered for the biggest bee migration event in the world, the pollination of the almond trees.
Personally I don't know very well if here in this country there's also a very high mortality of bees. But I think it's a bad sign. The honey is very important to humans, and we also need the pollination for the flowers. There are also people living in the honey business. If dying bees would be a big problem because they are essential, like many other insects. I think we should investigate the causes of this mortality, and preventing if it becomes more serious, that’s my opinion.
Discussion essay: Being a celebrity is a good thing
And also there’s the fame. Fame is something that attracts many people. People like to be known and popular, have fans and people who identify with them. Celebrities go to big and expensive parties and they appear on television and all media.
But obviously, not all are benefits.
Description of a place: My Bedroom
The first thing you notice when you enter in my room is that is very disorganized. There's no order, I can say that everything has its place in the middle of chaos.
To begin, the door lock is broken. When you finally enter at the room, you can see on the left side of a wall built in wardrobes. There's where I keep all my clothes. The desk is long and narrow, and it has got many drawers. Above the desk there are a lot of things for example a lamp, a mini cactus (which is the only plant I've gotten to keep alive), many magazines, papers, pencils, pens ... In theory, the desk should be a place to study and to do the homework, but I never do it because there's no space. On the other side of the wall there is a library full of books. There are many books that I have had since I was a child because I've never wanted to throw them. Also there is where I keep my notes of the highschool and all the things I don't know where to put them. There are also some stuffed animals, and I would say what's my favourite but I can't.
Then there's my bed. It's metallic and black, nothing special. I use it to hang things wich I don't know where to put, like hats, scarves, belts ... On the bed there are two very comfortable pillows, although I'd like to have many more.
Beside the bed there's a bedside table with a lamp and many more things. That's where I put the cell that I use as a clock all the mornings.
And I can only say that a little further down there's the mini hi-fi, which I use to listen to music and you can also watch TV. There's also the electric guitar with amplifier, so important to me.
The walls are full of posters, drawings, a T-shirt, a coke sign...The last wall is a window with orange curtains.
It begins with a couple, Jim and Michelle. Jim invites Michelle to dinner at a restaurant, and he wants to propose her to marry him. While they're having dinner, Jim's father phones him and say that he had forgotten the ring, but that he's going to the restaurant to give it to him. Just at the time the father arrives, Michelle is sucking the Jim's dick. At first his father doesn't notice anything, but then he makes Jim to get up and sees that Jim has the trousers down and Michelle is under the table. This creates a very embarassed situation, and Jim decides to stop with everything and ask Michelle's if she wants to marry him. She says yes.
From that moment begins the organization of the wedding. Jim wants everything to be perfect, so he decides to learn to dance. He asks Stifler (who dances very well) if he can teach him to dance, and he helps him. Although this implies that Stifler will be invited to the wedding, and he doesn't want. Stifler will organize the bachelor party.
Moreover, the four friends, Jim, Finch, Stifler and Kevin are going to look for a designer for the wedding dress for Michelle, 'cause she wants a special one. While they are looking for the designer they make a mistake and they go to a gay club, and Stifler competes dancing with a man. Because of this the designer accepts the wedding dress design.
Michelle's sister arrives, and Finch and Stifler want to seduce her. Finch uses his intelligence and intellectuality and Stifler becomes a very polite guy.
More or less that's all we've seen, so I can't summarize more. I think it's a very entertaining film and you can laugh a lot. It's ideal if you want to have a good time.
dilluns, 2 de març del 2009
Oral Presentation: THE BAHAMAS
The Bahamas
Did you use any resources? Yes, we’ve used a Power Point presentation with pictures, videos and music.
Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes, we think that the photos, videos and music made the presentation relevant and attractive, and so entertaining.
Body language and eye contact
Did you look at your audience most of the time? Not really. We spent too much time looking at the screen instead of the audience.
Did you read from your notes? Not all the time, but there were so much data and it’s impossible to memorize all of them.
Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? Yes, we used quite gestures, but not expressly for the audience.
Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? We tried to separate the different topics we were going to talk about.
Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear? Not much really.
Did you introduce interesting, new information to your audience? Yes, we think the information was not so boring, it was interesting and original.
Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books...? Of course, we did. We found information especially in the Internet, because it’s easier.
Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? We think the information was more superficial, but we also included details of the festivities or food, for example.
Did you check your grammar? Yes, we did.
Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? The vocabulary wasn’t quite rich, but we found a lot of words in the dictionary, except the word “escut”, that it’s not in the dictionary.
Did you use sentence linkers? Yes, we use a lot of times “and”, “but”, “so”...
Did you use fillers? We use especially “well”, or “uhm”.
Pronunciation & Intonation
Did you know how to pronounce all your words? Not all the words, but almost all.
Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? No.
Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? We changed the tone of voice a lot of times, when we were not sure about what we were saying or when we changed the topics, for example.
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? Well, we think there were so much breaks and interruptions.
Self evaluation
What mark did you get according to you? Well, in fact we didn’t had enough time to finish the oral presentation, and we became nervous because of it, so we could made it so much better. We wanted to show some videos and music but we couldn’t. Anyway, we could have a better preparation. The personal mark we get according to us could be a 6 more or less.
Hi,we're Laura and Anna and we're going to talk about Bahamas because we were thinking about an original country and we decided to talk about Bahamas
because it's a very interesting place and so beautiful and it's like a dream holidays.
Money: dolar of Bahamas
Flag: blue, yellow and black.
Flower: The national flower is the Yellow elder.
The symbolic bird of the Bahamas is the red flamingo.
Form of government: Parliamentary monarchy
Climate: Between tropical and subtropical.
Non-official languages: Creole dialect, Greek and Chinese.
Ethnic groups: African, black, European.
National Sports: The most practiced sports are golf, diving, snorkeling and fishing.
Is an independent state located in the Antilles.
It consists of an archipelago of 24 habited islands, 600 inhabited, and over 2,000 rocks and reefs.It’s located in the Atlantic Ocean, at the east of Florida (USA), north of Cuba and west of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
The capital is Nassau, which is the most populous city.
Native birds:
- Barn Owl
- Great blue heron
- Green heron
- Turquoise bird
There are a lot of dangerous animals and plants in Bahamas but we’ve been able to put only some of them.
- Black widow: a black spider a red stain in the back, is fatal.
- Centipede
- Cuban tree frog
- Rajiformes and Jellyfish
- Venomous ivy
The traditional music of the Bahamas is the Goombay, which means "rhythm" in Bantu. A drum is used to create it. The first goombay drums were made from discarded barrels and rum casks, but as the decades passed these items came to be in short supply. The most famous band in Bahamas who plays this music is “The Gombay dance band”.
Jumpin'n Jammin carnival: It's between July 25 and August 2. Begins the first Monday in August at four o'clock in the morning. The activities of the carnival finish with the street party that usually lasts from six p.m. to midnight.
Goombay summer festival: It’s a festival that lasts three nights. There is Dancing, competitions, fairs, parades and costumes,...The days are dedicated to participate in beach sports and other entertainment and cultural activities.
Junkanoo: Junkanoo is the famous national festival. Everyone gets dressed and downtown Nassau sounding bells, horns, whistles and the strong rhythm of drums.
In July is the largest fishing tournament in the islands. Also in September there are tournaments of Music and Dance.
There are other festivities that are not typical of there like:
- Three Kings
- Christmas day
- New year
- International worker’s day
- International women’s day
- National independence day
- Peas n’ Rice: pork with onions, celery, tomatoes, rice and peas. Is the national dish.
- Seafood: Is an important part of the diet in the Bahamas. The “conch” is a large type of ocean mollusc that has white flesh. The conch is delicious raw, but also fried, in soups and salads and stews.
- The rock lobster of Bahamas: is served grilled, in salads or chopped.
- Fresh fish: Is also an important part of the cuisine, The brunch is a popular boiled fish.
- Peas: pea soup with balls of beef with salt, or pea soup and ham are typical.
- Souse: is a soup with water, onions, celery, peppers and chicken, oxtail or pigs' feet.
- Kalik: it’s the official beer of the Bahamas.
- Acklins: Is a part of the group of islands which are near the lake basin called Marine Acklins. Coronel Hill it's a place for people that likes the tourism and quiet.
- Cat Island: This is one of the central islands of the Bahamas.
- Abaco Island: Is located in the northern islands and the Bahamas including Great Abaco and Little Abaco. There people do sailing and other tourist activities
- Eleuthera: It's one of the main tourist attractions of the Bahamas. It's at 80 km from Nassau.
- Mayaguana Is the farthest of all the islands of the Bahamas, the people practice diving there.
- West Grand Bahama: It’s special for the construction of exclusive hotels for tourists. The most important urban centers are 8 Mile Rock, Pinder's Point, Holmes Rock and West End.
dissabte, 28 de febrer del 2009
FRANKENSTEIN: Differences between the film and the book
For example, at the beginning of the film the monster of Dr. Frankenstein is walking, but in the book the creature is in a sled carried by dogs.
In the film, Victor Frankenstein, has a younger brother who's name is William, however, in the book his name is Ernest. In the book, Victor's mother dies because of an illness, however, in the film, she dies giving birth to William.
Henry Clerval, Victor's friend, appears in different ways: in the book, Henry and Victor have been friends since youth, however, the film they become friends in college.
At the university, Victor meets a professor. In the book the teacher helps him with his research, but in the film, the professor dies, and Victor has to follows his annotations. The laboratory where Victor works appears in different places. In the film, the laboratory is in the same place where he lives, while in the book, the laboratory is very far.
The creature hides next to a house where a family lives. In the book, the creature cuts wood to help them, but in the film it collects vegetables.
When the creature kills William, Justine is accused of his murder. In The book there is a trial and Justine is condemned, and she dies in prison, but in the film she dies hanging.
The creature kills Victor's father in the film, but in the book, the father dies of sadness. Then,the monster kills Elizabeth in different ways: in the book it strangles her, but in the film it kills her ripping out her heart, and then it burns her head.
Also in the film there is something different: Victor gets resuscitate Elizabeth giving life to her dead body, but then Elizabeth thinks that she is very ugly and decides to commit suicide. All this things doesn't appear in the book.
Finally, at the end of the film the creature dies over a block of ice floating near its "father" Dr. Frankenstein. However, in the book, we know that Dr. Frankenstein dies, but we don't know if the creature dies or not.
dimecres, 28 de gener del 2009
HEY JUDE (The Beatles) Translation
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.
Hey jude, dont be afraid.
You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better.
And anytime you feel the pain, hey jude, refrain,
Dont carry the world upon your shoulders.
For well you know that its a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder.
Hey jude, dont let me down.
You have found her, now go and get her.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.
So let it out and let it in, hey jude, begin,
Youre waiting for someone to perform with.
And dont you know that its just you, hey jude, youll do,
The movement you need is on your shoulder.
Hey jude, dont make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her under your skin,
Then youll begin to make it
Better better better better better better, oh.
Na na na na na ,na na na, hey jude...
Hey Jude, no ho espatllis,
Agafa una cançó trista i millora-la,
Recorda de deixar-la entrar en el teu cor,
Després podràs començar a fer-la millor.
Hey Jude, no tinguis por,
Estàs feta per anar-hi i aconseguir-la,
Desde el minut en que la deixis sota la teva pell,
Ja començes a millorar-la.
I cada cop que sentis el dolor,
Hey Jude, atura’t,
No carreguis amb el món a les teves espatlles.
Perquè saps molt bé que és d’idiotes,
Anar de guai,
Fent el seu món una mica més fred.
Hey Judes, no em fallis,
Ja l’has trobada, ara vés i aconsegueix-la,
Recorda de deixar-la entrar en el teu cor,
Després podràs començar a fer-la millor.
Així que deixa-la al seu aire,
Hey Jude, comença ja,
Estàs esperant per algú amb qui tocar,
I no saps que ets precisament tú,
Hey Jude, ho faràs,
El moviment que necessites està a les teves espatlles.
Hey Jude, no ho espatllis,
Agafa una cançó trista i millora-la,
Recorda de deixar-la entrar en el teu cor,
Després podràs començar a fer-la millor.
dissabte, 17 de gener del 2009
Brainy Beverage
In Japan the scientists have done an study. The study reveals that people who consume half a litre or less of alcohol drinks per day (moderate drinkers) are more intelligent than persons who never consume alcohol (teetotallers). They have examined 2000 men and women aged between 40 and 79. But it's not sure that the alcohol makes you brainy, because people who drink sake in Japan, consume more raw fish, and people who drink whine tend to eat more cheese, so the relationship could be indirect.
Love at first sight
A new Jewish dating agency in New York has invented the "Speed-Dating". They meet groups of 50 people, 25 womens and 25 mens, and they organize contacts with this different people. Each contact lasts just seven minutes. Then, if two persons of the group want to have another contact, the agency organizes another contact. We can call it love at first sight.
Bad Parents

Parents of girls of Britain are terrified by the risk that they daughters can suffer If they go out, because they think that the daughters could be abducted or abused, so they keep them inside and they don't allow them to go out. Recent studies suggest that this is a negative influence and it's bad for their health. Parents allow their daughters to go out less than their sons. By the age of five girls are already taking less exercise than boys, this leads to health problems in later life. If parents allow them to go out much more, they could haven't this problems. Meanwhile, another report suggests that British girls are cleverer than boys in GLSES and A levels.