China has dismissed the new Guns N' Roses album, “Chinese Democracy”, as a "venomous attack" on the nation. The album's official website has been blocked in China. An article in the Global Times, published by the ruling communist party, says the album, launched this week, "turns its spear point on China".
dijous, 27 de novembre del 2008
China has dismissed the new Guns N' Roses album, “Chinese Democracy”, as a "venomous attack" on the nation. The album's official website has been blocked in China. An article in the Global Times, published by the ruling communist party, says the album, launched this week, "turns its spear point on China".
Listening: Rollercoasters
1- C
2- A
Sledge--> Trineu
Track--> Via
Brakes--> Frens
Loop--> Tram
Test 2
Listening: Children's birth order
Birth--> Naixement
Research--> Recerca
Doubt--> Dubte
Gap--> Diferència
dijous, 20 de novembre del 2008
1. Did you use any resources? Yes, I used the Powerpoint.
2. Were the resources relevant and attractive? I think so.
Body language and eye contact:
3. Did you look at your audience most of the time? Not to the entire audience, I think I was always watching the same people.
4. Did you read from your notes? Only once.
5. Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of you audience? Yes, but always the same.
6. Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? In my presentation there weren't an importance order.
7. Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear? Yes.
8. Did you introduce interesting, NEW information to your audience? I think it was interesting.
9. Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books? Yes, a little bit.
10. Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? It wasn't superficial, I think it was original.
11. Did you use check your grammar? Yes, I checked the grammar some times.
12. Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? Yes, how much I could.
13. Did you use sentence linkers? Yes, some.
14. Did you use fillers? Not many.
Pronunciation & Intonation:
15. Did you know how to pronunce all you words? Yes, but I think that I pronounced bad some of them.
16. Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Yes, with a on-line dictionary.
17. Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? I used my normal voice.
18. Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? I think it was quite fluid.
I should pronounce the words better, and gesticulate better.
Write down a LITERAL TRANSCRIPTION of your presentation.
Well, I decided to talk about some films I've seen and that I liked and I found interesting. I've only been able to put 5 because with 5 minutes I don't have time to put them all.
Detroit rock city (1999): Four members of a high school band called Mystery do everything they can to attend a KISS concert in Detroit. Their names are Lex, Trip, Hawk and Jam. In order to make it to the show they must steal, cheat, strip, etc… generally do whatever it takes to see the band. It’s a very funny film.
The educators (2004): It’s about three friends, two boys called Jan and Peter, and a girl, called Jule. They want to change the state of the world. They formed a group called “The edukators”. They come in the house of rich people and change the furniture site, hiding objects, etc, but they never use violence and never stole anything. It’s a kind of protest about rich people. Everything is complicated when Jule falls in love with the two guys, and then they get into trouble.
Clockwork orange (1971): It’s a classic. It’s about a young man called Alex, his passions are ultra violence, rape, steal, and Beethoven. He is the ringleader of a group; they hit, rape and terrorize people. Alex caught it and locked in prison and he voluntarily submitted to a program that nullifies this bad behaviour. Seems to work, but at the end of the movie is shown that it hasn't worked.
Sid and Nancy (1986): It's about the relationship of Sid, the bassist of the Sex Pistols, a punk group, and Nancy, his girlfriend. In the movie they fall into drugs, Nancy gives heroin to Sid, and finally Nancy dies murdered. It's a film based on real ed, but Johnny Rotten, lead singer of the Sex Pistols, says that's a lie. Real or not, it's a very interesting film.
Transpotting(1996): This film is about a group of people who live only by drugs. They are addicted to heroin or alcohol. One of them, Mark, decides to stop drugs and do something useful. It's very interesting the philosophy of life that he has while he is within the world of drugs, without responsabilities or worries, cares only get more drugs.
Check your Language and Structure. Can you correct your mistakes?
I can improve my pronunciation and my entonation. Maybe I should use more fillers.
Here I put my power point:
dimecres, 19 de novembre del 2008
The disease tends to affect older people,but can strike at any time. Excluding certain skin cancers, there were more than 270,000 new cases of the disease in 2001,and the rate is increasing by about 1% a year.
Some cancer, such as breast, are becoming more common, while new cases of lung cancer fall away due to the drop in the number of smokers. However, while the overall number of new cancers is not falling, the good news is that successful treatment rates for many of the most common types are improving rapidly.
disease----> malaltia
dimecres, 5 de novembre del 2008
Adrian Mole & Thirteen
If I think about the lives of Tracy and Adrian, I can say that they haven’t got similar lives. Adrian lives a living more infant, I think he’s very hypochondriac, he cares about nothing. He has got typical problems of teenagers but it’s not very serious, however his family is a little bit chaotic, like Tracy. But Tracy is more radical, she becomes a rebel and provocative stupid girl. I think Tracy has got an inferiority complex, she doesn’t have really an own personality, so she has to be like popular girls in her high school, because she thinks it’s cool. I think it’s the worst mistake she can do. She waives her personality just to impress other guys or girls, and that hurts her family and herself. She isn’t aware of the consequences. I think the problem is not her mum or her dad, I think she has a problem with herself, but it’s still worse when appears Evie. Evie teaches her everything, is her example, her icon to imitate. Moreover, Evie is such a fake friend, she blame Tracy for everything that happens. Because of wanting to be something that’s not, she is left alone, lost herself. Those are the consequences.
dimarts, 4 de novembre del 2008
Introducing myself
dimarts, 21 d’octubre del 2008
Swindle Restaurant

A: Good evening. Welcome to the “swindle Restaurant” Table for one?
L: Yes please and put me near the window and I want good light. Thanks
A: I’ll do want I can wait a minute, please
L: Ok, but I don’t have much time; I have to catch a plane in four hours
[One minute later]
A: Well, your table is ready, come with me please
L: Do I have to sit in this dirty, rotten chair?
A: I’m sorry all the chairs in this restaurant are like this
L: …
A: What would you like to have for your main course?
L: Emm… I want a steak please, without salt and well done and with a little bit of salt.
A: Ok Just a moment
[10 minutes later]
A: Here is you steak, miss.
L: Urg… I said without salt! Is it so difficult? Useless!!
A: Sorry miss, I‘ll sort it out, just a minute
A: Sorry for the wait here is your steak, without salt
L: What the hell!! That is shit! It has a disgusting taste!
A: Honestly miss, I don’t understand. I’ve just washed the steak to take out the salt! I thought that with water it’ll work!
L: Oh. I can’t believe it! Stupid waiter! You‘ve just lost a customer! I’m going!
A: See you soon, miss and have a nice day!
dilluns, 13 d’octubre del 2008
The film shows a series of situations limit within the lives of people who seem to have a normal life, but everybody hide a secret, or an evil thing. In the film appears a couple who is about to divorce, a man who masturbates while he is phoning girls, a man who dies and no one knows him, only a women, etc. I think that this film is a critique on happiness, it seems that these people have happiness, but in fact are not.
The movie seems to be a little boring, but it is very realistic.
The End.
Some of towns in Catalunya are suffering a problem with the stray cats. Some of the residents are unhappy with this, and other people spend a lot of money feeding the cats. The new tells that there are some groups, like APDA or Progat, that helps the cats funding money of the people who wants to help this. They do sterilizations by the vets and they buy a lot of food for feed the cats. Maybe is not an straight forward work, but they are truly communited to the cause of caring for cats.
surfeit----> patit
scaverge---->remenar escombraries